
About TekTel

TekTel has operated since 2007, providing training to the Australian telecoms sector.

Tony Eyers

TekTel courses are designed and delivered by Dr Tony Eyers.

Dr Eyers has a 30 year history in the telecoms and IT sector. He has an engineering degree from Yale University, a Graduate Diploma in Education and a PhD from the University of Wollongong, done under a Telstra Research Labs contract. As well as engineering positions in Australia and the USA, Dr Eyers was a lecturer in telecoms engineering at the University of Wollongong for 12 years. For the last 20 years he has been heavily involved in telecoms industry training. His clear and engaging presentation style is renowned.

Since 2007, TekTel clients have included Telstra, Certatech, Vicom, Department of Broadband, ACMA, AFP, Andrew Corporation, Broadcast Australia, NSW Police, WA Police, Australian Crime Commission, ACCAN, Unistrategic and the DPP.